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An Evening With Andrew Robson

On 8th June 2008, The Acol Club hosted an exhibition match between Andrew Robson and his partner Nick Boss who played against selected club pairs.

The club pairs were :
   Ann (Blue Iris) and Paul (carrott),
   Paul (paulf) and Dave (dcleal),
   Julia (jules101) and Dee (jumpindee) and
   Ruth (ruthbra) and Paul (paulg).

As many of you will know, Andrew Robson is one of the world’s great bridge players. He has won countless national and international events and is also one of the world’s premier bridge teachers. He also runs his own club in West London, which is world renowned. Nick Boss works with Andrew in his club and is a rising star of English bridge.

The idea of the session was that during the 12 board session, Andrew would chat to the kibbers during the bidding and play – to explain his thought processes.

This he did magnificently and his constant comments were brilliantly illuminating to the 200+ kibbers who were watching. It demonstrated to all of us how much thought goes into top class bridge, even on hands that look simple to the casual onlooker. These thought processes are something we should all aspire to!

This was a wonderful event for the club. I hope we will have many other events of this quality in the future.

I would like to thank all of our players (very brave, all of them!) for joining in and to Andrew and Nick, thanks too!

May I also thank JK (jandrew) and Sue (ssukaye) for all their hard work and help in organising this wonderful occasion!

Lawrence (aacol)
9th June 2008