Acol at BBO
Tournaments :
    All the details
    Join the members' list
    Vesian's tourneys
Events and Lessons :
    Past events
    An evening with ...
General Information :
    Photo Gallery
    About this site
    Essential reading
    World clocks
    Howto ... ...
    Links to other sites
Club Director -
Assistant Manager -
Webmaster -

Howto ... ...

First, there was Version 1 - a Windows programme used for many years until September 2012.

Then came Version 2 - a browser implementation, using Adobe Flash. This version came to an end as Flash was not supported after December 2020.

So now we have Version 3 - which uses the most modern version of the browser language, HTML 5.

Members can no longer use versions 1 or 2, and version 3 is well endowed with explanatory notes on the BBO site and on Youtube.

We have, therefore, removed all our "howto" pages because they are now out of date and usually unnecessary.