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John Salisbury and Mike Tedd

John Salisbury

John (salisj) and Mike (miketedd) both started their international careers in the seventies, playing with other partners.

Mike Tedd

After a substantial break, they returned to the international scene a few years ago and have represented Wales as a partnership in seven Camrose weekends and three European Championships.

Mike Tedd played 9 Camrose matches in the 1970s, partnering John Marek and Patrick Jourdain.

After 24 years off for family and career, he returned to the Camrose in 2003, playing with John Salisbury.

Mike played in the Welsh Seniors in Istanbul (coming 7th) and in the inaugural Seniors Camrose last year.  Mike Tedd has retired from Aberystwyth University, where he was Professor of Computer Science and Vice-Principal.