Acol at BBO
Tournaments :
    All the details
    Join the members' list
    Vesian's tourneys
Events and Lessons :
    Past events
    An evening with ...
General Information :
    Photo Gallery
    About this site
    Essential reading
    World clocks
    Howto ... ...
    Links to other sites
Club Director -
Assistant Manager -
Webmaster -

Data Protection and Privacy

Data Protection and Privacy :
We recognise that your privacy is important to you, and will do nothing which invades that privacy. We are not registered under the Data Protection Act 1998. We do not require any information from you and, if we receive any personal information about you, we will not act upon it nor save it nor pass it on to anybody else except as set out below -
Photographs :
Any personal photographs which you submit will be published fairly and removed immediately upon request.
Email :
If you send us an email which incorporates a return address, we will use that address only to reply to your email. We will not send you any unrequested messages nor pass your email address to anybody else. Your email address and any email messages which we receive from you will, however, be retained for an indefinite period in our mail records.
Site Statistics :
Our Web Server keeps technical information about your computer and/or ISP sufficient to present us with data about visits to our site. We will not use that information for any other purpose nor share it with anybody else.
Cookies :
We will not send cookies to your computer (except for any that our Web Server sends to obtain data about vists).
External Links :
This web site contains links to other, external web sites. None of the above applies to any such site, and we accept no responsibility for the content of any external link.