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Play and Discuss with Poco1 & Cedar

There are two new instructive sessions available on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, UK time.

On a Tuesday, starting at 7:45 pm (UK time) in the IAC “lesson room” is a “play and discuss” session. Alan Jones (cedar) covers the first hour or so, whilst Colin Porch (poco1) takes over at 9:00 pm, or thereabouts.

Players are invited to sit at the table, with their favourite partner, playing their own system, if they wish, and random hands are dealt. Bidding and play take place as usual.

After play ceases, Alan or Colin will offer their opinions on the bidding and play, using Zoom to communicate with all the players and kibitzers. Feedback and questions are positively encouraged. Would-be players should join cedar’s table, (poco1’s table later,) or find the table under IAC. A Zoom link will be sent to the table. Caroline (cshemie) and Adam (adam 13) organise the players wishing to sit.

On Thursday evenings, Alan Jones (Cedar) gives a talk on a selected aspect of bidding theory. Then random hands to which to theory applies are generated at a bidding table and volunteers sit and practice the theory. The first topic covered was Multi-Landy and the current topic (May 2024) is Splinters. Future topics will be announced once chosen. Again, Zoom is used.

All players, of whatever ability and system preference are welcome to take part in both sessions