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Sunday Bash Tourney - Hall Of Fame

Click here for the :

Roll of Honour
League Table.

This Tourney is played at 9.15am (UK time) on Sundays.
Click on the blue dates below for the travellers
of the Tourney on that date. (You will need your BBO username and password.)
Click on the name of the winners for the Leaderboard.

DateWinning PlayerMatch
    2nd    3rd
6:11:2011 ann21+shintaro 26 dumbiller+YorkieShe dellla88+willemm
13:11:2011 MARKH001+maidmarion 28 Hu Flung D+peterjd larry9999+holwellsue
20:11:2011 xraycb+Shimnadale 28 donakebab+laydown kaycare+anpierre
27:11:2011 ria mm+smile u me 36 RustyRuss+Tielt kladenak+cerberus37
4:12:2011 davidhd+vicjil 34 schultz112+bridgemen9 mach202+flaxie
11:12:2011 brucemca+cmsjw5 34 MARKH001+maidmarion kladenak+cerberus37
18:12:2011 davidhd+vicjil 32 Tramticket+Annie T eastbourne+patric56
25:12:2011No Tourney - Christmas Day
1:01:2012 kaycare+anpierre 20 marjy+dellla88 dibarclay+V A
8:01:2012No Tourney - Warwick Weekend
15:01:2012 patric56+manorlass 30 bentarm+comal mach202+ria MM
22:01:2012 Markl+cyanide 32 emento+Vesian ria mm+smile u me
29:01:2012 mortimus+ace37 32 snipereyes+dellla88 marjmit+malco