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Thursday Tourney - Hall Of Fame

Click here for the :

Roll of Honour
League Table.

This Tourney is played at 8.00pm (UK time) on Thursdays.
Click on the blue dates below for the travellers
of the Tourney on that date. (You will need your BBO username and password.)
Click on the name of the winners for the Leaderboard.

DateWinning PlayerMatch
    2nd    3rd
7:03:2013 msdrs+Jonny75 26 davidhd+lindyd hopespring+StevenG
14:03:2013 ann21+sobell5 20 gdslam13+okdoKay ospreyx+ace37
21:03:2013 sientje+eagles123 28 anpierre+StevenG MarkH001+dellla88
28:03:2013 amms+kaligraph 26 bazzaa+ace37 gilbey+malco
4:04:2013 blackpuddi+abcxza 18 sobell5+ann21 archibald+john401
11:04:2013 Dockerman+dextrous9 26 gilbey+malco mortimus+moissieu
18:04:2013 chasbr+anpierre 28 dmst+thorley marjmit+Kalandseid
25:04:2013 amms+kaligraph 28 gmit+dyti ianhaston+ivy126
2:05:2013 Dockerman+dextrous9 24 Eaglei+melisand amms+kaligraph
9:05:2013 casey2+anpierre 20 joshua76+ida ibo maggie1947+Lauri28
16:05:2013 archibald+john401 26 0 1236789+kladenak lindsay60+zaczaczac
23:05:2013 casey2+anpierre 26 lindsay60+zaczaczac john401+geisli 7
30:05:2013 0 1236789+kladenak 20 Eaglei+melisand Melcer+moissieu