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Thursday Tourney - Hall Of Fame

Click here for the :

Roll of Honour
League Table.

This Tourney is played at 8.00pm (UK time) on Thursdays.
Click on the blue dates below for the travellers
of the Tourney on that date. (You will need your BBO username and password.)
Click on the name of the winners for the Leaderboard.

DateWinning PlayerMatch
    2nd    3rd
5:03:2020 paulie12+patric56 24 DukeofShef+hopespring keithdarle+gypsy1308
12:03:2020 casey2+Anpierre 22 dellla88+s138tq keithdarle+WOOLER
19:03:2020 treasurer3+NJBard 38 dellla88+s138tq jack_7+lenkic2
26:03:2020 casey2+Anpierre 36 60mph+hopespring nekthen+antepa
2:04:2020 rubber1953+diamonds4e 32 Merlewood+Icon U johnjo42+JennyV
9:04:2020No Tourney - BBO overloaded
16:04:2020No Tourney - BBO overloaded
23:04:2020No Tourney - BBO overloaded
30:04:2020 treasurer3+NJBard 14 Sandra 1+suecc2012 Danque+js138
7:05:2020 nekthen+fishcop27 18 rubber1953+diamonds4e Melcer+moissieu
14:05:2020 treasurer3+NJBard 28 fishcop27+belringer Hobbes11+Wendy_12
21:05:2020 3jim+jack_7 22 rubber1953+diamonds4e shamrock+gbs1
28:05:2020 treasurer3+NJBard 20 S_Healy+T_Ferguson casey2+Anpierre