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Thursday Tourney - Hall Of Fame

Click here for the :

Roll of Honour
League Table.

This Tourney is played at 8.00pm (UK time) on Thursdays.
Click on the blue dates below for the travellers
of the Tourney on that date. (You will need your BBO username and password.)
Click on the name of the winners for the Leaderboard.

DateWinning PlayerMatch
    2nd    3rd
2:06:2022 poco1+kathy59 20 Germ1 Eng5+NJBard hopespring+60mph
9:06:2022 poco1+kathy59 28 Germ1 Eng5+NJBard alicewil+dellla88
16:06:2022 3jim+cynta 22 s138tq+Anpierre ria mm+CYBIT
23:06:2022 keithdarle+wooler 30 MadB6+kladenak 3jim+Isabelle10
30:06:2022 roy154e+kathshriv 26 cpwine+sandybri NJBard+s138tq
7:07:2022 bosscat+ianp1970 26 casey2+Anpierre paulie12+patric56
14:07:2022 Robin1951+angeiow 26 s138tq+Anpierre repton57+ClareB
21:07:2022 kathshriv+roy154e 26 keith47+lindyd Js138+danque
28:07:2022 Robin1951+angeiow 24 nige 77+dellla88 roy154e+kathshriv
4:08:2022 Danque+js138 30 toid2+ssukaye bosscat+ianp1970
11:08:2022 poco1+kathy59 24 NJBard+cyanide ria mm+458Italia
18:08:2022 casey2+Anpierre 26 Martin E+angeiow bumblebee3+3jim
25:08:2022 cherriesa+imran1 28 3jim+cynta kathshriv+roy154e