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An Evening With The Welsh Team

On 7th June 2009, the Acol Club hosted an exhibition match between Paul Denning, Patrick Shields, John Salisbury and Mike Tedd, members of the Welsh Camrose Team, against selected pairs from the Acol Club.

The club pairs were :

Against Paul Denning
and Patrick Shields :-

Boards 1-4 - manorlass and kingsway
Boards 5-8 - jmcilkley and mortennis

Against John Salisbury
and Mike Tedd

Boards 9-12 - 4THSF and blueclub9
Boards 13-16 - kastan88 and hewibill

This match was played over 16 consecutive boards at a table in the Acol Club. The bidding and play was full of interest and challenge.

The reserves for the matches were fellow Welsh team members - Mark Roderick and Peter Goodman, who also added to the commentary.