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Saturday Tourney - Hall Of Fame

Click here for the :

Roll of Honour
League Table.

This Tourney is played at 9.15am (UK time) on Saturdays.
Click on the blue dates below for the travellers
of the Tourney on that date. (You will need your BBO username and password.)
Click on the name of the winners for the Leaderboard.

DateWinning PlayerMatch
    2nd    3rd
3:11:2012 gypsy1308+howi1111 12 ann21+sobell5 0 1236789+kladenak
10:11:2012 davidhd+lindyd 14 keith47+thorley elgeee+degsy2
17:11:2012 donnau+nesa2 14 howi1111+gypsy1308 1066uk+maidmarion
24:11:2012 froghead+jenstar 14 gypsy1308+howi1111 billlw+peterjd
1:12:2012 kladenak+0 1236789 14 marjmit+markl malco+jinja44
8:12:2012 bosscat+bwillir3 14 ria MM+eaglei davidhd+lindyd
15:12:2012 ria mm+smile u me 12 cynta+moissieu zespri+johnxxxx
22:12:2012 keith47+lindyd 12 lackagh+Strings11 ria MM+zargul
29:12:2012No Tourney - No Tourney today
5:01:2013 rothes+ann21 12 kaycare+anpierre 0 1236789+kladenak
12:01:2013 kaycare+anpierre 16 billlw+peterjd 0 1236789+kladenak
19:01:2013 kaycare+anpierre 16 gypsy1308+howi1111 billlw+peterjd
26:01:2013 gypsy1308+howi1111 16 cynta+jenstar kaycare+anpierre