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Saturday Swiss Tournament

This is a swiss pairs, Match Points (MP%) tourney held at 9.15am on every Saturday.

This league finishes on 30 April and at the end of each subsequent quarter.

Each quarter consists of 13 or more weeks and there will be a tournament in at least 8 of those weeks - to allow for off-days. If there are more than 8 tournaments held then the additional ones will count. Players who have missed one or more tournaments can thus reach the expected 8 matches, other players will only have their best 8 results count towards the league (the other, worse, results will be discarded).

Roll of Honour :

Quarter ended
(click for
weekly list)
(click for full table)
   2nd   3rd
29:04:2025    in progress
30:01:2025 198senorfueda 188poco1 186steven_w
30:10:2024 197js138 191jeconnor 185senorfueda
30:07:2024 236senorfueda 229Icon U 226kathy59/poco1
29:04:2024 202cape 101/YorkieShe 197Skx
31:01:2024 185kathy59/poco1 180steven_w
31:10:2023 185keith47/lindyd 180phillewis
31:07:2023 208kathy59/poco1 186Isabelle10
30:04:2023 209kathy59/poco1 202Anpierre/cmsjw5/phillewis/ritalewis
31:01:2023 199kathy59/poco1 190cmsjw5/keith47/lindyd/skx
31:10:2022 227kathy59/poco1 205cmsjw5/Skx
31:07:2022 224kathy59/poco1 202kastan88
30:04:2022 236echo200/sinoda100 209keith47/lindyd
31:01:2022 215keith47/lindyd 209echo200/sinoda100
31:10:2021 227mtdearden 217cynta 212echo200
31:07:2021 248Anpierre 238friizi/nhh57
30:04:2021 312echo200/Shipton666 302keith47/LindyD
31:01:2021 319keith47/LindyD 315anpierre
31:10:2020 341gbs1/simps 323Anpierre
31:07:2020 333gbs1/simps 327cynta/Sean6
30:04:2020 242cynta/Sean6 217s138tq
31:01:2020 175cmsjw5/lackagh/skx
31:10:2019 170kiwiatplay 154sean6 147Cape 101/engsetter1/YorkieShe
31:07:2019 172poco1 169lindyd 168keith47
30:04:2019 170Cape 101/YorkieShe 168Sean6
31:01:2019 173keith47/lindyd 169cham2/poco1
31:10:2018 191cham2/poco1 190a skylark/DrAculea
31:07:2018 167cham2/poco1 162keith47/lindyd
30:04:2018 186keith47/lindyd 179cynta/pete222
31:01:2018 154poco1 152a skylark 149keith47/lindyd
31:10:2017 167cham2/poco1 151keith47/lindyd
31:07:2017 168anpierre/kaycare 166pete222
30:04:2017 180keith47/lindyd 170lewgr/manxmanx
31:01:2017 163pete222 154cynta 146aannii/keith47/lindyd
31:10:2016 179pete222 171cynta 155anpierre
31:07:2016 177chimp59/gillo3 169Cape 101/YorkieShe
30:04:2016 171anpierre/kaycare 170keith47/lindyd
31:01:2016 154lindyd 149aannii/keith47
31:10:2015 170howi1111 167anpierre/kaycare
31:07:2015 149keith47/lindyd 145kladenak
30:04:2015 150keith47/lindyd 143gypsy1308/Kalandseid
31:01:2015 147keith47/lindyd 131bishopm/rothes
31:10:2014 163keith47/lindyd 160kaycare
31:07:2014 151LghtnngRod 150keith47/lindyd
30:04:2014 174lindyd 166keith47 148ace37
31:01:2014 138keith47/lindyd 124mach202/madweb
31:10:2013 136kladenak 1280 1236789 119ace37
31:07:2013 109Cape 101/YorkieShe 1020 1236789
30:04:2013 125kaycare 122anpierre 110keith47/lindyd
31:01:2013 101howi1111 100gypsy1308 93anpierre/kaycare
31:10:2012 97anpierre/kaycare 92davidhd/lindyd
31:07:2012 80degsy/elgee 71davidhd