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Saturday Tourney - Hall Of Fame

Click here for the :

Roll of Honour
League Table.

This Tourney is played at 9.15am (UK time) on Saturdays.
Click on the blue dates below for the travellers
of the Tourney on that date. (You will need your BBO username and password.)
Click on the name of the winners for the Leaderboard.

DateWinning PlayerMatch
    2nd    3rd
4:02:2017 keith47+lindyd 18 F1end+DukeofShef Aquarius_4+annedoc
11:02:2017 aannii+kladenak 22 gillo3+chimp59 keith47+lindyd
18:02:2017 holwellsue+david130 24 trafalgar2+lackagh rothes+zargul
25:02:2017 a skylark+F1end 20 keith47+lindyd nekthen+friizi
4:03:2017 lewgr+manxmanx 24 dori_bg+Dart Vader patric56+jandrew
11:03:2017 aannii+kladenak 24 keith47+lindyd bosscat+bialk2
18:03:2017 manxmanx+lewgr 26 NJBard+CYBIT lacunae+Ponteboy
25:03:2017 keith47+lindyd 22 Cape 101+YorkieShe pete222+cynta
1:04:2017 Rosetown+12roger 26 mach202+errabondo aannii+kladenak
8:04:2017 Cape 101+YorkieShe 26 keith47+lindyd kaycare+anpierre
15:04:2017 ABnormal+spatha 24 keith47+lindyd lewgr+manxmanx
22:04:2017 pete222+cynta 22 nekthen+friizi LghtnngRod+myleen
29:04:2017 keith47+lindyd 24 donnau+nesa2 isidore100+ace37