Welcome to our web-site.
We are the Acol Players' Club hosted, as a public on-line club, by BBO.
This is a friendly club for Acol players of all levels to meet on their computers, tablets or smart phone and play their favorite system.
Thursday Swiss
Friday Indi
Saturday Swiss
Germ1 Eng5
Icon u
Sunday Bash
Icon U
Germ1 Eng5
Although most players will follow one of the Acol systems promoted by the English Bridge Union, players of any Acol based system, popular in other countries, are welcome here.
We have daily tables and arrange many tournaments in each week and leagues.
We sometimes arrange lessons for any member who wishes to attend.
We think that it would be great for people to know what their friends here on BBO look like so we have set up a photo page.
Do not feel obliged in any way to send us your photograph. We know there are some who are sensitive about this and we will always respect that.
Send your photo as an email attachment to the webmaster (please include your nickname and skill-level in the email).
Any comments or ideas about this web site should be sent to the webmaster.